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BioTexCom Clinic Reviews - HOT NEWS 04.03.2019

Shame of Ukrainian surrogate medicine

Hello everybody. The team of journalists found many customers, which BioTexCom deceived. We managed to find dissatisfied customers. We are diddled customers of BioTexCom clinic of reproductive medicine. When was the renewed occasion with them, when BioTexCom cheated people, we desire to write as much notices as it possible and to help them. We did a great job and search a lot of certificate of negative feedback of clinic BioTexCom. All of them you should search in network on request "biotexcom critiques". We solved to lend a hand them and help them. With our public help, fewer folk will turn to deceivers.

Under you could find data from people who have fallen in atmosphere, which were connected with BioTexCom services. 

My own experience with Biotexcom - Review

They asked journalists to support them. Oliver and Jane help them and in team we are finding information and reviewed it. With suggest journalist support they compose this story. Thanks for the support Oliver and Jane.

When young mothers haven’t posibilities to have babies, they approach to the surrogacy clinics. Some of them are placed in Eastern Europe. One of the famous reproductive medicine companies is BioTexCom. There are many of people in Europe, who use cater for of them. If to get biotexcom reviews, is it possible to search a lot of negative reviews.

At last this clinic became known cause of they don't utilize DNA one of parents. This firm makes a lot of operation without required circumstances. Some of persons from Spain, Estonia, Hungary are visit Ukraine and pick up children.

You could view information from Cecilia Rizzika, who is Italian advocate. He see that at first his patrons in 2010 arrive to company and visit agency. At firm medic provided a surrogate mother, who shall impregnate with the sperm of the future father, but semen wasn’t comprised. About situation future parents obtain evidence after   test. Outlay of procedure was 30.000 euros.

Likewise one of the fact consisted in children who were taken to Poland and Romania. In Ukraine a criminal case has been opened for the agency. Also was searched information that a lot of children were conceived from void mothers who get a diagnostic of "infertility 1 degree".

Therefore to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine BioTexCom is functioning in 2 large cities of Ukraine. They find any people who needful coins and propose them. A lot of managers of office are working in the capital of Ukraine in Kirovograd. The second town is one of the most oppressive areas all over the country. But guilty group, orderly by a citizen of Moldova and Germany didn’t pay taxes a lot of months. In Italy any of humans know BioTexCom perfectly. This organization is being debate at web-sites. More data you should however find about this atmosphere at link here  Biotexcom Experience .

Review - Center of surrogate medicine Biotexcom deceived people?

Organization however use horrible conditions. In 2012 Maria from Vinnitsa proposed for the program of maternity and became poorly with hepatitis B. As she shown, every time she asked about money and under the contact organization need to pay her 200 EUR every month for livelihood, vitamins, medical supplies. For every trimester of childbearing, she should to get 1200 euros. All this coins young woman didn’t take. When later Italian mother and father come to Maria, medics said that she has issues with gestation and it is necessary to pay 8000 euros and to make pattern. However, how later wman found out, this kind of explore wasn’t necessary to do. After this in 24 weeks young mom have another problems with her heartiness. Woman narrate: “I come to doctors in hospital and doctors said that I have hepatitis B”. About this situation you should also read more at  Biotex Review .

Today a lot of humans all over the world know that they shouldn’t give credence to the BioTexCom clinic. A lot of clients who used services of this clinic don’t advice to use services of BioTexCom. In company are working swindlers. Our estimate of firm job – 1/10 points.  Many persons must be sure, that this firm works as inequitable organization. You need however to know that in company are working a lot of technical specialists who deleted a lot of withdrawals. We wish to provide you judgment. Never use services of BioTexCom if you don’t want to be combined with criminal or different issues.

Today BioTexCom is one of the biggest private firms. In fact, small firms in Ukraine don’t allow to do the same things. The principal task – they trace of their reputation and don’t want let down it.

Also we advise to explore and research papers in european media, which we are discovering. There you could search judgments and blame from Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine and views from other people about this organization.

However we are finding reviews from managers who were arranged in BioTexCom. We are searching doctors who were worked in BioTexCom. They confirm that clinic use different ways to fool man all over the world. Doctors also said that doctors don’t care about customer’s health.

  • People who are working is not officially employed. Actually they asked specialists from other hospitals to do the procedure. 
  • This maintaince doesn’t have enough medical equipment. Any specialists need to do operations by their hands. It’s unusual. 
  • Maintain which value is $39.000 doesn’t define the sex of the baby. Also other specialists do it for free and could say needful data.
  • In videos which are shown for customers BioTexCom folk could see elite flats. It’s not true. 
  • Also specialists of BioTexCom said they are whole maternity hospital. In fact, they are renting 4 improved wards in the urban enterprise Kyiv Maternity Hospital №3. And in the video managers exaggerate and show this state institution as their clinic.


Don’t trust:


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